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Unsigned Artist Research


In order for us to find an unsigned artist for our music video production, as a group we needed to get in contact with some local unsigned artists by researching through the internet, word of mouth and going to gigs. Altogether we needed to find about five different unsigned music artists, so we could have back up if one of them would not be available to work with us. We also needed to get in contact with the artists, sending each one a message asking to use one of their tracks so we could use it for our music video, and also if they were interested in being featured in the video. We sent each artist the same copy of a message either through email or the social network, Facebook to see if we got a reply and if we could use their music.

Flint Moore


The first decision we made was to have a local band called Flint Moore to be one of the five unsigned artists. Flint Moore is an alternative band based in Norfolk, with their music showing elements of folk, rock, pop and punk, and are known for their energetic playing style and their use of original songs and covers to create an atmospheric performance. Their main target audience for their music are both males and female teenagers, and also people with a taste in folk, rock, pop and punk music. As seen from a previous We all like many of their tracks and feel we could easily work with them to produce a video as we enjoy their music. Altogether they have released two EP's, one named Coconut which features the band's self written songs called 'You've Got the Feaver' and 'Duelers', and one named Orange which features the lead singer Francis' self written songs called 'Backroom', 'Cigarettes', 'Young Mind', 'Wait On Her' and 'Me, Myself and I'. Each EP is available by purchasing their CD's, or viting websites such as and to listen for free. Flint Moore have played many live gigs around the Norfolk area, more specifically Kings Lynn in bars, as well as at some private events such as weddings. 

The Puppeteers


Next, we then decided to have another local band as one of our five unsigned artists, who are called The Puppeteers. The Puppeteers are another local 5 piece band who experiment and perform popular folk, pop, alternative songs and also compose their own songs. They originally formed in 2012, and usually hold regualr busking sessions in Kings Lynn as entertainment for the public. Through successful gigs in local pubs, bars and on the streets, they have progressively become more well known and of more demand. The Puppeteers have also recently released their own EP called 'Nightlife', which features four of their own self-written tracks, 'Nightlife', 'Time and Time Again', 'Blaring Out the Sun' and 'These Lies'. The Puppeteers also have a live Facebook page to allow their audience to be informed on upcoming events such as gigs, and also a Soundcloud account, where they have uploaded their music for their audience to listen to them, freely. 

Colour Me Autumn


Colour Me Autumn is another unsigned local band, formed of three girls, Ivy Napp, Suzie Flowers and myself, Lois Nash, who make covers of popular indie/pop/alternative tracks such as Pompeii by Bastille and Hey Soul Sister by Train, and are currently writing their own songs. So far, they have their own Facebook page in which they can interact with their audience, and can also post updates of upcoming videos of covers, and gigs. Colour Me Autumn are also sorting out their own YouTube channel, to where they can upload their own videos of themselves covering songs for the enjoyment of others. This band would be suitable for us to work with as they are a local band and would be easy to get in contact with. This group would be suitable for us to use as we could use some of their individual songs they are creating which are of a similar genre to what we want to use for our media music video. 

Odi Acoustic (Lukas Odenthal)

Balancing the Different

Also, we decided to search for an artist through the internet by a website called, where people can upload various pieces of music and tracks for free, in order for people across the globe to listen to the music for free. After searching for an alternative genre artist, we came across Lukas Odenthal who is an alternative music artist from Germany. Even though the location of Lukas Odenthal is in a different country, we can still use Lukas as a backup artist if we do not get consent from any other artists that we contact. Lukas, who's artist name is Odi Acoustic, is a 23 year old German singer songwriter who records his own original songs and also performs covers of existing songs. From his success in Germany, he has also now released two albums consisting of his own written music, which are available on iTunes for people globally to purchase and listen to. In addition, he has his own Facebook page and Twitter account in order to interact with some of his supporting fans, and also to post upcoming events, information, covers and images. This makes it easier for him and his supporters to interact, and therefore gain more attention and popularity.

Unfortunately, we did not get a reply from Lukas, which means that we cannot use him as a possible artist.

Finally, the last artist that we researched was also found on, and they are Balancing The Different. The band is formed of three members Tyler Gonzales, Eric Rodriguez and the drummer who remains namesless for the time being, from Austin, Texas. The group blends fast paced riffs with contemporary rock and pop punk with inspirations such as Angels & Airwaves and +44. Two of their most known songs include 'Don't Forget' and 'If You Fall'. This band also has their own Facebook and Twitter pages, to where they can interact with their supporters and notify them of any shows, information or videos of covers they have produced. 

We shortly got a reply from Balancing The Different, in which they agreed for us to use their music if needed when producing the music video, which means that they could be a potential artist for us to use.

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