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Lip Sync Video

For our lip syncing video, as a group, we have chosen to use the song Golden Leaves, by Passenger. Passenger, formally Michael David Rosenberg, is an English folk/rock singer-songwriter who is well known for his most successful single, Let Her Go. In our group, we had decided on using this song for our lip sync video as we all have a fond likeness for the folk-rock music genre, and we also are fond of the musician Passenger as the lyrics featured in his songs are meaningful and emotional, and his music as a whole uses mostly acoustic instruments which sound earthy and organic.


Once decided on the song we wanted to use for our lip sync video, we then needed to decide on what the plot of the video would be and who was going to play which part in the video. As a group we all chipped in with different ideas for the video, and came up with a story line which involved two couples being in love with eachother, and the video evolving around them and their personal lives, showing their emotions for eachother and following them through their love life and eventually ending dramatically on an unexpected twist as one of the couples are torn apart by a freak accident. We thought that this storyline fit the song perfectly, as Passenger's lyrics for this song describe the emotions of love, passion and hatred from a male's perspective, in a relationship. Some of the lyrics in which helped us decide the story plot include "Do you remember how this started out? So full of hope and now we're filled with doubt." and "Can't live with you, but I die without". After deciding on the story plot of the video, we then needed to decide who was going to play which part in the video, both on screen and behind screen. The first decisions made were for who was going to play the characters of the two couples, who were Beth English and Antony Woolmer as one couple, and Josh Rout and myself as the other couple. The reasons for having these people to play these characters are as Beth and Antony suited the story plot extremely well and they were both eager to play parts in the video, and Josh and myself also were eager to each play a part in the video. Sam Lance also wanted to be a part of the video too, so we decided to allow him to play the guitar whilst in the instrumental scenes, as we thought that these seperate scenes of playing guitar would suit the video well and the song includes a lot of guitar. Behind the camera, we also made decisions that Sam would be the main cameraman, as he had a professional camera that we used to shoot the video, and he is also very skilled at playing the role of cameraman. However, we also had Josh playing a small role of cameraman too, as it allowed Josh to gain some experience with filming the video, and also we needed someone to film the scenes with Sam playing the guitar. The other role which needed to be taken into account was the Director, in which Beth and myself both decided to work together with decision making on what the characters and camera should do. 

This is the official video for Passenger's Golden Leaves song, which I found on To the left is the album artwork for Passenger's album Whispers, which features the song Golden Leaves.

Once the storyboard had been completed, we could then organise filming dates and times, and also locations and props too. One of the locations in which we definitely wanted to shoot the video at was at the Willows in Downham Market, for this reason it has a lot of greenery, benches and a lake, which is in our opinion, the best setting for a love-themed lit sync video. Plus, we had already filmed there for our other media products so we had experience with the area previously. The other locations that we had decided on were all in Downham Market which made it easier for everyone in our group to get to the locations, and included the Howdale and the church which overlooks the town. The Howdale was used for the scenes in which the accidental disaster occurs and the church was used for the sweetheart scenes, with Beth and Antony being in both of the locations. Next, we decided on the dates and times to film each piece of footage. As a group we all made decisions on when we had some free time to allow us to film, and including some of our Media Studies lessons, we could film. During a two hour Media Studies session on the 20th of June, we managed to film all the scenes needed at the Willows which was very successful. Later on that day in the evening, we managed to film the other scenes including the sweetheart scenes at the church and the accident scenes at the Howdale, as we needed the sunset in the background of shot, to exaggerate the passion showed between Beth and Antony's characters. So, overall we managed to film all the footage we needed in under a day, which was very successful and meant that we could start the editing process of the video in the next media lesson we had.

During the next media lesson we had, we began to edit the footage we had collected when filming. Firstly, we imported the footage into the editing software called Sony Vegas Pro 11 and began to place each piece of footage in order, following the storyboard for guidelines. Once all the footage had been imported, and correctly placed in order, we then needed to trim down each piece of footage to the desired length that we initially wanted, refering back to the storyboard. The whole length of the song Golden Leaves is approximately four minutes and six seconds long, so we wanted to capture more footage than we needed when filming, in order to have enough footage that would fit the entire length of the song. We then imported the song Golden Leaves into the editing program so we could then place the song in correct time with the footage, and also edit the length of each piece of footage, so the lip syncing of the person singing in the footage would match the song perfectly and look as if they were actually singing the song. This would then look more professional and clean cut, alike a real lip sync video that would have been completed by professionals. After tweaking the lengths of each piece of footage, we used the storyboard as a guideline to insert the correct footage needed. Once we had all agreed that we had included all the footage we wanted and needed, we then began to insert some transitions, fades and special effects to the lip sync video to enhance the overall video. Following the storyboard, we added in some fades between the pieces of footage to elongate the footage to make each piece overlap, which would make each piece of footage flow smoothly to create a soft transition. We also added in fades to and from black, which are also used to elongate the footage, and also help to create a sense of the unknown as the audience do not know what will happen after the fades from black. Another editing technique we used in the video was slow motion, which was used in most of the footage to make the video seem slow paced, calm and quite dream-like. The slow motion allowed the audience to effectively follow the story and understand what the video is trying to show. In addition another special effect we inlcuded right at the end of the video was to insert a moving car to make the main character in the video look as if they got hit by the car. As it was too dangerous to actually film with a real car, we needed to insert a moving car over the top. To do this, we filmed another section of the same location at the Howdale and of a car driving past. Then with this piece of footage, overlap it over the original footage of the main character walking across the road, to make the shot look as realistic as possible. However, to make it look even more realistic, we decided to blur and fade each piece of footage so they would blur into eachother and make the two pieces of footage look continuous and realistic. Once we were happy with the footage and the timing of the song with the footage, we all agreed that we had completed the lip sync video. We then saved the file and exported it to the computer and then uploaded it to YouTube. The video can be watched by clicking the video below.

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