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The Pop Genre



Genre is a category or style of music, art or literature, that can also be recognised as class, group or set. In the music industry, the style of music determines on what genre it falls under, and some genres can include Pop, Rock, R&B, Alternative and Classical. However, due to the vast amount of music styles which can be grouped together to form other hybrid genres, it is very difficut to determine specific genres. Different genres can attract different audiences, depending on the style of music and the prefered style of the audience, for example an older person may want to listen to the Classical music genre as it is of a slower tempo and is seen as a calming style of music. Whereas most people from the younger generations may want to listen to the Pop music genre as it is of a faster tempo and is exciting and energetic. The most popular genre that is used nowadays is Rock, which is usually listened to by people of the younger generation.


Genre Research

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