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On the 5th of December, we started our filming for our music video. The first pieces of footage that we needed to obtain were the drumming footage, where we wanted to film a drummer playing along to the song. This footage would be used very sparingly, to emphasise the use of drums within the song, and to also be used inbetween footage in order for the audience to be more engaged with the video, and not get bored easily.


We firstly made preparations by contacting the music department at the Academy site, in order for us to use one of the music rooms with permission, as we had already planned to use this room to film in, plus the room also had an already set up drum kit. We also organised to bring along props and equipment such as camera, tripod, artificial light with white and red filters, our storyboard and some black paper to stick to the windows to help block out the natural light, in order for the artificial light to be used successfully. We then discussed and looked at the storyboard to find the appropriate shots that we needed to film, in order for us to set up the camera to match the image on the storyboard. We then placed the black paper up on the windows to block out the natural light, and we set up the artificial lights in the corner of the room to help illuminate the drum kit. Next, our drummer, Isaac Hobday, was shown where he needed to be sat, and we played the song through a couple of times in order for him to practice and be familiar with the song so he could therefore play along.


After preparing the music room and reviewing the shots we needed, we set up the camera and the tripod to firstly focus on one specific drum on the drum kit. We initially wanted this shot to be used as we could then apply the footage to the sound of the drum in the song, to emphasise the drum. We then played the song completely through once, with Isaac playing along to the song and recorded this in one type of shot, so we had more than enough footage. Next, we changed the camera and tripod positioning to focus on one of the cymbols as this was one shot that we included in our storyboard, we also slightly moved the light in order for the cymbol to be illuminated, and did exactly the same; played the song through with Isaac playing along and recorded this in one particular camera shot. Then we again changed the position of the camera, this time placing the camera on the floor without the tripod, to get an accurate shot of the drum kit's foot pedal, as this was also one of the shots that we included in our storyboard. We also changed the lighting slightly by moving the light towards the foot pedal to illuminate it.


After we had recorded the song three times in three different camera shots, we finally decided to wrap up the filming as we had collected all the footage we needed for the drumming scenes.


On the 11th of December, we had arranged to film most of our music video, as we wanted to film the scenes in the forest and around the campfire. The footage from the forest and campfire scenes will be used mostly throughout the whole video, as this is the narrative part of the video in which the audience can follow the main character and can easily understand what is going on in the video.


To ensure that we were able to film correctly, we needed to accurately plan where and when we wanted to start filming, what props and equipment we needed to bring with us, and also we needed to be aware of how we were going to set up the campfire that we needed in the video. The equipment we used whilst filming include a camera, lighting, matches, newspaper, marshmallows and cans of beer. We also needed to gather all of the cast and crew that we needed in order to film our footage, who inlcude Josh Rout, Beth English, Sam Lance, Alice Johns, Ashley Shenstone, Suzie Flowers and myself. We all played an important role with the filming, which ensured that we all got an experience with being on the set. We also needed to be aware of health and safety as we were planning on using fire within filming. When using the campfire, we needed to be aware of long hair, clothes and keeping ourselves away from the fire when lit. We also needed to be cautious when we had finished filming, as we had to make sure that the fire had definitely gone out, to prevent any fire spreading. Altogether, we worked as a group to help clear the area of filming, of any leaves, branches or rubbish that may interfere with the shooting or campfire. 


Once we had set up the logs and campfire in the positions we needed, we all referred back to the storyboard in order for us to understand what shots we needed to film. Beth then took charge of the storyboard and was directing the cast, whilst Sam mavouvered the camera as he understood what types of shots were needed for each frame. He managed to film all of the shots needed with the main character and the other secondary characters around the campfire, and also gathered other footage in the forest within the time limit of about three hours. This proved that as a team, we could also work towards a time limit. 


Today, we decided to film some more of the footage that we needed for our music video, which includes the narrtive scenes in the video of some of the memory scenes between the main male character and the main female character, and some of the performance scenes of the lead singer singing along to the track. We found it easy for us to film these specific pieces of footage as we were all available to film during this day, including the actors, and we also had permission to use the locations in which we wanted to film at. 


Once we had decided what footage we needed to film on this day, we collected our equipment that we needed which included a camera, the storyboard and lighting, along with the actors that were needed for the footage. Firstly, we filmed one of the memory scenes between the main male and main female character, who are saying their last goodbye to eachother. We wanted the sun to play an important role in this scene as it links with the title of the song we are using for the music video, Blaring Out The Sun. Therefore, we wanted to shoot this early in the morning or later on in the day, when the sun is low. We found that filming earlier was the easiest option, as each member of cast and crew were available to shoot then, and also the sun was in the right position during the day at sixth form. We quickly filmed this part whilst the sun was in the correct position, with Sam capturing the footage on the camera, and Beth directing the actors who were going to be in frame. After, we then decided to film another section, where the two main characters are together again, but on the verge of splitting up. We wanted to film this section outside of a house, to make the situation look like the male had walked the female back to her home. The location that would suit this situation was Sam's house, which was easy to get to in such short notice, and fitted the part. This was successful as we managed to get the footage we needed for this section. We then decided to film a happy memory of them together. Initially, we wanted them to be walking together in the rain with an umbrella. However, due to the fact that it was not raining, we could not create this situation easily. Therefore, we substituted this scene for another happy memory scene for these two characters, where they would be decorating a christmas tree together. To get this footage, we went into Sam's house as he had a Christmas tree, and we could easily get this footage. During the filming, Sam again took role of the cameraman, as Beth directed and I played the song we are using for the music video, in order for the actors to understand what the song is like, and how they should act in these situations. Once we had gathered all the footage we needed for this section, we headed back to the sixth form.


The other pieces of footage that we collected were the performance scenes of the main singer miming along to the song, in which we will use this footage to separate the narrative, in order for the audience to not lose interest in the video. As Josh and I had a lesson during the time we needed to film, Sam and Beth said that they would happily film these parts. They managed to get the equipment they needed which included the camera, white lighting that would be used as a backlight, a microphone and the song being played from Sam's phone. Sam then played the role of the lead singer, whilst Beth operated the camera, and set up the lighting. The song was then played through several times, each time moving the camera to a different shot, with Sam lip syncing to the words, We chose to do this as we could then manage what pieces of footage for the performance we could use that would fit in with the other pieces of footage.




On this day, we finally needed to gather the last pieces of footage which would be set at the train station and on a bridge, as these scenes are taken from the 'memory' sections of the main male and female. However, we were originally going to have another male actor at the train station to play the part as the female's new boyfriend. But due to lack of time, we stuck with the plan of only having the main male and female in these scenes. Sam and Beth decided to capture these parts of the footage, due to Josh and myself not being available to film during this time. Sam mainly filmed the footage, as he was familiar with the camera we were using and also knew how to create the camera shots needed, whilst Beth directed the actors Alice and Ashley through the use of the storyboard she brought with her. The first shot was the bridge scene, where the shot would be used to show the two main characters' memory scenes as they happily stroll along the bridge. We were easily able to collect this footage and gathered accurate shots in comparison to the storyboard. Next, we moved to the train station, where we needed to gather footage to make it appear as if the main female has just left the train station and bumps into the main male character after the end of their relationship. Thankfully, a train had just pulled into the station which meant that we were able to get a very accurate shot in comparison to the storyboard, and would also look very professional in the music video. We again successfully managed to collect all of the accurate footage that we needed for the music video, with the next process being the editing stage. 

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