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Rough Cut

Once we gathered all of the footage that we needed for our music video, we began to edit all of the footage in an editing software called Sony Vegas Pro 11. We firstly inserted the animatic we produced into the editing software in order for us to follow the animatic as a guideline to what pieces of footage we needed to include, and to also help us time the footage to the song correctly. Once we placed in the animatic, we then imported all of the footage that we collected from filming days so we could evaluate the footage and decide what we wanted to inlcude. From the animatic, we basically matched the frames of the animatic to the pieces of footage we collected.


We decided to edit the music video over several school hours, and we each took different roles when editing in order for us to get experience with the editing software. Within the editing process, we managed to experiment with different transitions such as fades and dissolves, different filters that could be applied over the top of the footage to create certain moods and time spaces, and also could experiment with cutting the footage to appropriate lengths to fit in sync with the track and the animatic. 


Overall, I am happy with the outcome of the rough cut as we all felt we had included ourselves within the editing process, and it looks quite professional. Hopefully fromt he audience feedback we will receive will help us to improve the rough cut in order to make it look professional and clean cut, alike existing successful music videos.

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