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This is my A2 Media Studies website for Year 13, in which I will further my education in Media Studies at Sixth Form.


In year 12, I created an Action/Thriller film opening, and thoroughly enjoyed the whole year. If I could pick one section of the year that I found the most enjoyable, it would be when as a group, we began to collect footage for our film opening, as it allowed me to witness and be a part of an actual media production. This gave me an insight to what production of real media products is like. For me, I think the biggest challenge I faced last year was the editing of our film opening because of the new software that I had not had any experience with before. To therefore overcome this challenge, our group worked well as a team and took equal turns in completing the editing stage and helping each other out, which would then mean we each had some experience with the software and the process of the editing was completed quicker. Overall, the most important key that we needed whilst producing our film opening was teamwork, as without this we would not have managed to complete all set work to the deadlines, had good time management or made the whole filming process more exciting and enjoyable!


My media group remains the same as year 12 as we have all decided to continue Media Studies into year 13, and consists of Bethany English, Sam Lance, Josh Rout and myself.

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