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Lip sync, short for lip syncronisation, is a form of miming lyrics in sync with a song,without singing, to make it assume as if the song is being sang. Lip sync is most commonly used by Pop music artists, and has been criticised for the uses of lip syncing as it is unprofessional and can be easily noticed. 


Lip syncing does have many disadvantages to it, which makes it very unpopular and gives it a poor representation. Firstly, lip syncing doesn't show the talent that the music artist has, and is misleading to the audience, as the audience would assume that the musician is singing when they are not. Some music artists are in the music industry for the fame, publicity and money, and cannot actually sing, which is where lip syncing comes in handy. Lip syncing can also show the misattribution of vocals, where the voice of the music artist does not belong to them, but to another music artist who can sing. This gives the audience the false attribution, that the music artist can sing when they cannot.


However, lip syncing does have its advantages, in which it is commonly used by Pop artists who display high energy performances, where they are moving about the stage and cannot physically sing whilst moving about. Lip syncing can also be used to cover the singer's voice as of an illness or a problem affecting their voice, and lip syncing is also very beneficial to the music industry as it can save time, effort and money rather than having a music artist singing live.

Some of the most famous singers in the music industry have been caught very obviously lip syncing to one of their songs, with stars such as Beyoncé, Katy Perry, Eminem and Shakira all being spotted lip syncing. Especially if the singer's performance doesn't go according to plan, the whole song can be criticised and will push people away from the singer if they are caught lip syncing as this shows the audience that they are not a genuine singer and performer.

Examples of Lip Syncing Music Artists

Chris Brown - 2012 Billboard Music Awards

Here is an obvious example of a singer using lip syncing in their performance, as Chris Brown mimes to one of his hit songs 'Turn Up The Music' at the 2012 Billboard Music Awards. As it can be heard, the track is played in the background and Chris Brown simply mimes along to the lyrics. It is actually very obvious that Chris is lip syncing in this performance as the track played in the performance is exactly the same as his radio edit which was recorded in a studio, and thanks to some auto tune which corrects a singer's voice if it doesn't sound good enough, to make it sound of perfect pitch. Also, due to the high energy of the performance, Chris Brown is probably lip syncing in the performane as he is not capable of singing live and jumping about on the stage at the same time, which is beneficial for him as this allows him to dance on stage. 

Lip Syncing

Lady Gaga - Ellen

Another example of a singer that has used lip syncing in their performance is Lady Gaga, who on Ellen, was shown not singing while a backing track was played during her performance. This obviously shows that Lady Gaga has mimed to the track instead of singing live, which pushes all Lady Gaga fans away as they notice that she cannot sing live and is not a 'real' musician. Usually, there would be a reason for the musician to lip sing over a track instead of live singing, which could be because of a high energy performance or of an illness that may affect the singer's voice. However, Lady Gaga's performance is not of extremely high energy which can only mean that she is covering an illness or she is just hiding her lack of singing live.

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