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Magazine Advertisment Research

A magazine advertisement is usually a one page or two page spread of an image or piece of text that is used to advertise items or subjects, featured inside of a magazine. Typical magazine advertisements usually feature films, musicians, albums, books, games, TV shows or programmes and fashion retailers.




The typical conventions of a magazine advertisement includes:


  • A main image that is ususally the same image or a similar image that is used on the product or subject being promoted. The main image is usually positioned in the centre of the page to attract the audience's attention and to portray that the main image of a person or subject is trying to be promoted.

  • Text stating the subject or product that is positioned either at the top or bottom of the advertisement. The text may be in a recognisable font, for example, a specific brand name.

  • There will be information in small print situated along the bottom of the advertisement, regarding needed information. For example, tour dates for an advertisement for a musicians tour.

  • If the magazine advert is promoting a musician, the record company logo and information will also be situated ont he bottom of the advertisement, with the logo placed in one of the bottom corners. 

Green Day


This music poster has been used to advertise the band Green Day, their new single and their album that features the new single. The poster has a large image of the lead singer of Green Day taking up around 50% of the whole poster, which features him singing into a microphone. This portrays to the audience, who the artist is and gives the audience an insight that the artist will be singing on the new single and album. The other 50% of the poster is taken up by text. The text stating the name of the band 'Green Day' is featured overlapping the main image, along with the name of their album 'Wake Me Up When September Ends' also overlapping the main image. These two pieces of text are both in a white, capitalised font style, which contrasts with the dark image and helps to make the text stand out and catch the audience's attention. The font stating the name of the band is in the iconic font which is continuously used by Green Day, and therefore makes it appealing and memorable to the audience, so they can associate this font style with the band. However, the font stating the title of Green Day's new album is in a completely different font which is organic and looks like it has been hand-painted on to show the band's unique and original personality and music style.


Miss Dior


This is a magazine advertisement for the branded perfume Miss Dior, by Dior. The advertisement would most probably be included in women’s magazines, as the product that is being promoted is targeted at females. To be more appealing to the target audience of the perfume, an image of Natalie Portman has been featured, filling most of the advert. The image of Natalie shows her in a mid-shot, looking over her shoulder and straight into the camera. As she looks directly into the camera, it makes the audience think that she is looking directly at them, forming direct address to the audience. The use of direct address makes the audience feel important as the high status celebrity and actress is looking at them, which therefore encourages them to purchase the item being promoted. The image of Natalie also shows us that she has got very natural and flawless make-up on, her hair styled, and a small section of a black dress can be seen on her. Her beautiful appearance and attire is desirable by the target audience, which when linked to the perfume, makes the audience believe that by purchasing and wearing the perfume, they will in return look and feel like Natalie Portman. Again, this is another way that the magazine advert draws the audience in and encourages them to purchase the perfume. In addition, Natalie is seen holding a bunch of light pink coloured roses, which again corresponds with the actress’ beauty, and therefore portrays to the audience that they will feel beautiful when wearing the perfume. Also, the roses are also in the image to portray to the audience that the perfume may smell of roses. This therefore encourages the audience to purchase the perfume as they like the smell of roses, and want to have a delicate and pretty smell. Roses are also expensive, which again makes the audience want to purchase the perfume as they want to feel expensive and classy. The text which is used in the magazine advert show the name of the perfume ‘Miss Dior’ is a sans-serif font in the very centre of the image which shows its importance. The text appears to look hand-written, with the text being joined and in italics. The font style seems very feminine which links to the image of Natalie Portman, and also links to the perfume item that is being promoted. Similar fonts are also typically used for high class and expensive items, which again makes the perfume seem more desirable to the audience. The colour of the main font is in a tonal black, with the colour black connoting class, sophistication and profession. This would then appear to be reflected within the perfume, making the audience assume that they gain these qualities when wearing the perfume, and again encouraging the audience to purchase the perfume. Below the main text is more text stating ‘Le parfum’, which is written in French and translates into ‘the perfume’. As this piece of text is written in a different language, it also makes the perfume seem more sophisticated to people who do not speak French as their first language. The French language is also associated with class, high status and feminism, which again makes the audience assume that they will gain these qualities once wearing the perfume. Plus, the brand Dior is a French company, which again emphasises the stereotypical French qualities that would be assumed when purchasing the perfume. This piece of text is of a much smaller size in comparison to the name of the actual perfume, and is positioned directly underneath the larger text. The same colour is used for the font, but a totally different capitalised, sans-serif font style is used. The reason for using a different font for this piece of text is to show the modern twist to the perfume. Below the text is an image of the perfume bottle itself, positioned in the centre of the whole magazine advert. The image of the perfume bottle has been included in the magazine advert to help promote the perfume even more, and makes the bottle more recognisable to the audience. 



This is another magazine advertisement that has been used to promote and portray the singer, Example’s tour around the UK. The magazine advert includes the typical conventions of existing magazine advertisements, for example a large main image, the name of the artist, the dates and destinations for his tour and other information such as websites and telephone numbers.

The main image in placed in the centre and at the top of the page, and shows Example looking directly into the camera. As his face and eyes are looking directly into the camera, this makes the audience believe that he is looking directly at them which therefore portrays direct address to the audience. The use of direct address also makes the audience assume that Example is interacting with them, and encourages the audience to purchase tickets to see his tour. His stern look on his face also makes him seem serious and patronising, which also puts pressure on the audience to purchase tickets for his tour. The photo is also has a black and white filter applied over the top, which contrasts with the bright yellow and red colours that emphasise the name of the artist and the tour dates, as these pieces of information are extremely important and are wanted to stand out. Example’s name is featured in the centre of the magazine advert, in a sans-serif black lower-case font against a yellow contrasting background. Again, these colours have been used to show the contrast and to help emphasise the name of the act, as this is one of the most important features of the magazine advert. The font style is also commonly used for Example, and acts like a branded name which is recognisable and memorable by his audience. Other information is positioned below the main image and name of the act, which includes the UK tour dates for Example. The text is also in the same font style as the main text that states Example’s name, but is in a white and yellow font to contrast against the black background that is used. By using a similar font, this allows the audience to understand the link between the dates and the artist, and that the dates are for Example’s tour. Also, a bright red box is positioned at the bottom on the screen and includes an extra date that has been added to the tour, with the bright red colour contrasting with the black background. This helps to promote the extra date even more, and shows that the act is so popular, that they have had to add an extra date, which therefore makes the audience assume that Example’s tour will be extremely successful and an experience. At the very bottom of the magazine advert are the websites and telephone numbers along with other important information for the audience to take note of if they want to purchase tickets and important words in bold yellow lettering. These pieces of text are also in the Line of Vision, in which the audience’s eyes follow a certain pattern when viewing a page, which helps to attract the audience’s attention. The image of Example’s face has also had different lighting applied to each half of his face, with his face illuminated against a black background and his face dimmed against a white background. This use of lighting may assume that Example has two different sides, maybe a lighter and energetic side and then a darker and more emotional side. This could also help to portray what the tour could include, as he may perform energetic and emotional songs. It also can portray some of the music styles that he creates to the audience, in order for them to easily understand the concept of Example’s music. 

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