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Audience Research

To allow us to successfully attract out target audience with our music video, we needed to gather some information from our audience. To do this, we accumulated a questionnaire that included a few open-end and closed-end questions for some selected people to answer, which would help us understand our target audience more, and allow us to satisfy our target audience. Firstly we began to think of the different questions that we could include in the questionnaire that would gain us the right information so we could use this and specifically target the needs of the audience. We initially knew we needed to ask the audience their name, and what age and gender they are, as their ages and genders can determine how the person sees the video and what their music tastes are. We decided to ask the age and gender questions with closed-end answers, as there are only a few possibilities of answers for these questions. Another closed-end question we included was how much time the person spend in hours per week, listening to music, whether that is on their phone, iPod or radio. We decided to have this question as a closed-end question as we only wanted to keep the hours to a certain extent, otherwise we would have very different answers and it would be easier to collect the data if a closed-end question was used. The rest of the questions we asked were all open-ended questions, where the interviewee could answer the questions with no specific answer to choose from. This allowed us to gather very personal information that would help us understand the wants of the listener, and we could therefore use the information in our music video to gain their attention.

From our questionnaire feedback we received, we learnt a lot about our audience. Firstly, we found that the most popular age group was between 15 and 19 years, taking up 19 of the total 24 asked. As of this, we know that this is the typical age range of our target audience, and we can now use this to target our audience of these ages through our music video. Also, we tried to evenly distribute the questionnaires to both males and females as we wanted our target audience to be a mixture of both males and females. But from this, we also gathered opinions on music tastes from both genders which allowed us to see what kinds of hobbies, music genres and artists they are most fond of. We also asked the audience how much they listened to music in hours, per week, and from the data collected, we found that most people listen to music for 3-4 hours per week, which made it easier for us to attract an audience as they already are fond of listening to music regularly.

We also asked a few people from our target audience if they would answer a question asked about our chosen song that we are planning to use for our music video. We were planning on asking them what ideas and concepts they could imagine and picture in their minds when listening to the song. This information could then help us understand what kind of elements should be included in the video, for the enjoyment of the audience when watching the video. This is the video of our interview with some of the target audience.

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