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To accompany the music video that I have produced, and to also promote the song and music video, I need to create a digipak for the single to be held in. The digipak must be of similar conventions of existing digipaks, in which I have previously researched to collect information of successful digipaks.


In common digipaks, the images that are typically used have a particular house style and theme that is continuous throughout the digipak. In order for me to create a digipak with a similar house style, my group and myself took numerous photos in a similar location that was used for the music video we produced, with the two main characters that are present in the video too. This then provided us with images that would help make a strong link and connection between the digipak and the music video. The photos that we took consist of locations, mid shots and long shots of the characters from the music video holding hands, a postbox, a close up of a leaf covered in frost, a close up of the two characters' hands and a bench covered in frost in which we wrote 'The Puppeteers' into the frost. Each photo has a similar pale, earthy and organic colour palette which again relates to the music video. These photographs will also be used for the magazine advertisement that we are also creating to accompany this digipak and music video.


Once we collected all the photographs, we then individually created our own versions of the plan for a digipak using the images we collected. I found a template of a digipak on the internet and used this as a guideline to how the images should be orientated and positioned in order for it to look professional and clean cut. Once I inserted the appropriate images for my own version of the digipak, I also included some text that states the title of the artist and the title of the single in a sans-serif, white, capitalised font that can be easily read over the top of the images. I also wanted the font to be a similar font style to The Puppeteers' original font, but as we could not used the exact font, I settled for a similar one. Once I had completed my own digipak design, I shared it with the other members of my group and placed it in a document with two other designs that the others produced, for our target audience to see in order for the target audience to give us feedback. From the feedback, we could then improve the digipak to make it more suitable and attractive for our audience. 

From the feedback we received, in the form of a questionnaire, we found that the digipak design that was most popular and liked by our audience was design 2, which was Beth's design. The feedback we got from the audience showed that they mostly answered with comments such as "it looks professional", with only minor adjustments needed to be made in order for it to be completed. From the chosen design, we will ensure that the images used, remain in the correct positions, and the only adjustments that we will make to the digipak are by adding in our record label logo, a barcode, information about the digipak, text to state the name of the artist and single, and the tracklist. Beth and Sam wanted to create the final version of the digipak, whilst Josh and myself made improvements to the magazine advert. Sam and Beth firstly made some slight adjustments to the image quality and appearance, by adding a warmer colour filter 

Lois' Digipak Design

Lois' Digipak Design

Josh's Digipak Design

Josh's Digipak Design

Beth's Digipak Design

Beth's Digipak Design

over the top of the image, in the editing program called Corel Photo Paint. From here, the digipak was then constructed together on Microsoft Publisher as this program is suited to create media texts such as digipaks. Text was also added in various places on the digipak for various reasons. Text stating the name of the artist and single were placed on the front of the digipak, within the rule of thirds in order for the text to be easily read by the audience. The same text was also added to the spine of digipak, along with the record label logo and the Facebook logo, to portray to the audience that the band are also on Facebook, and encourages the audience to visit and like their page. The inside of the digipak consists of more of the same images that were used in the draft version, but after editing the images, more text has been applied over the top which states the lyrics to the single, Blaring Out The Sun. We wanted to include these lyrics here to draw in the audience and encourage them to listen to the lyrics and understand them. 

After making the adjustments, we will then finalise the digipak and produce a full scale model version fo the digipak.

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