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Magazine Advertisement

To complement our digipak and to also help to promote and advertise the single we have chosen to make a music video for, we are also creating a magazine advertisement which would be placed in a magazine in order to promote and advertise the single. From research of existing magazine advertisements and understanding typical conventions, as a group we are creating a magazine advertisement that would complement and link itself to the digipak we produced and also the music video for the song we have chosen.

To complete this task, we firstly chose to use the same images from the small photoshoot that we did, to collect images for the digipak. We decided to use the same images from the digipak for the magazine advertisement to show the strong link between the two texts. After looking through the images, I completed one draft version of a magazine advert that would be an example of a magazine advert that could be produced for the music video and digipak. For my advertisement, I used an image taken from the photoshoot, which complemented the digipak, and also decided to use a similar font style in all capitals, to the original font used by The Puppeteers for their album cover and logo. I wanted to use this font style in a black colour as it contrasts well with the image and can be easily read by the audience, which is needed for a magazine advert. I also wanted to add star-reviews to my magazine advert to help promote the song even more, and help to encourage the audience to listen and purchase the digipak, due to the high reviews from well known music critics. As this is only a draft version of a completed magazine advert, I did not include the image of the digipak, the record label logo or any other details, which would be included in the final version. After creating my version, two others were created by the other members of my group, in which we put all of them together and again asked 20 people that fall into our target audience range for feedback. We completed this through the use of a questionnaire, in which we asked simple questions to gain as much feedback and improvements as possible. 


From the feedback we received in terms of our three magazine advertisements, we found out that Sam's magazine advert design was the most popular with our target audience. We also gained feedback in which we could use to improve the design in order for it to be more appealing and suitable for the audience and to link to the digipak. Some examples of feedback includes: "I like the photograph", "Use a different font for the title" and "add more information and text", in which we will use to improve the magazine advertisement.

After choosing the appropriate photograph taken from our photoshoot, we then edited the photo to make the atmosphere appear more earthy and photogenic, which would correspond well with the title of the song, the music video and the digipak. We opened the image in Corel Photo Paint, and added a slightly warmer coloured hue to the image to make the atmopshere seem warmer than the original image, and also increased the intensity of the contrast to make the figures and tree appear as silhouettes. Once finished editing the photograph, I then imported it into Microsoft Publisher as this program is more suited to creating posters and magazine advertisements. From the feedback and the draft version of the magazine advert, Josh and myself began to improve the advert. To do this, we added in the same font style and colour which again stated the name of the band, the name of the single that is being promoted 

Lois' Magazine Advert Design

Lois' Magazine Advert Design

Josh's Magazine Advert Design

Josh's Magazine Advert Design

Sam's Magazine Advert Design

Sam's Magazine Advert Design

through the advert, and text stating 'out now' at the bottom of the image. These pieces of text were successful when asking for feedback, which is why we have included them in the final version. Another element that we included in the draft version was a review of the single which was made my a music critic, and was also successful with the feedback but needed to be changed to be more suited to the purpose. Therefore we changed the quote to 'The best single of the year', as we felt this was more suitable. To go along with the review, we wanted to include a star rating. For the draft version, the stars were of a yellow colour, which stood out but did not complement the colour scheme of the magazine advert. Therefore, we wanted to change the colour of the stars to complement it, and we changed the stars to black with a white outline, as it would be very difficult for the stars to be seen if they were not outlined. This colour scheme also is simplistic but yet professional, which corresponds nicely with the magazine advert. Next, we decided to include our record label logo on the magazine advert, in order for us to show the record label to the audience, which would then promote the record label. I suggested that the record label logo would be visible on the magazine advert but not too large as it is not the most important aspect of the magazine advert. To also promote the single, we suggested that we could include the front cover of the digipak. For this reason, it would make it much easier for the target audience to remember the design of the digipak, and would help advertise the digipak even more. We hadn't included an image of the digipak on the draft version of the magazine advert, so we wanted to include it in order to make the magazine advert look more professional and realistic. 

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