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Filming Schedule


In order for us to create a filming schedule, Josh produced a timetable in which we could all note down when we have self supported study, for us to organise when we could all be available to film. Throughout the two weeks, we found that we have five days that we are all together, therefore we can all film our music video on these days. Also, on specific days in which we all have a media lesson, we can use this lesson to film our music video. In addition, we talked to some of the cast members to see when they had self supported study in order for them to meet up with us and film the specific shots in which we needed them present. Once we had found out when the cast members were free to film with us, we noted this down on our timetable, then we could organise a date to start filming.

After we sorted out what days we were free to shoot the video, we then created our filming schedule, which includes the details of the song name, band name, date and our group members names at the top of the sheet. The date and time of shooting is very important, as we can determine what footage we need to film on each day we are available to locations, props, etc. We have also listed the locations and time of day in which we will film at, so we can understand exactly where we need to shoot, and can organise when we want to film these locations. We have also listed the frame shots taken from the storyboard, and written them down in the corresponding row to the locations, date & time, equipment, cast and costumes. This will again help us understand what shot we need to film at what location, which will make the filming process easier and quicker. The equipment has also been listed which inlcudes props and lighting, in order for us to be well organised with what we need on set for each piece of footage, and is also in the corresponding row to the locations, shots, cast and costumes. We have also included the cast and crew names and characters, which will help us understand what character will be in shot for each piece of footage, and again corresponds with the matching date & time, location, shots, equipment and costume. And finally we have listed the costumes that each character will wear within the video, which again makes us organised and helps us prepare for what costume each character will wear within the video. The use of a filming schedule will help us be more organised with filming our music video, with each detail of what is needed written down for us to see, and this will ensure that we will be able to get the correct shots we need for the video. It also helps us to keep on track of time, and will make sure that we keep the filming to a deadline. 

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