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Audience Feedback

Once we had completed our rough cut of our music video, the next step was to gain some consturctive criticism in which we could feedback on and use to improve our music video to make it more enjoyable and suitable to our target audience, along with making it look more professional and clean cut.  


Quantitive Data - Questionnaires


First of all we decided to produce a set of questions in which we could ask a few different people in our target audience to answer. We produced these questions in the form of a questionnaire, and included both open end and closed end questions in order for us to accurately gain suitable feedback for us to improve our music video. In total we created seven questions and produced 30 copies of the questionnaire which we have to young people of both male and female, aged between 13 and 20. After we collected the questionnaires back, we assessed all of the answers we received and discussed what improvements could be made to the rough cut in order for it to be more appealing and suitable to the audience.

Qualitive Data - Interview


As well as the quantitive data, we also wanted to receive qualitive data, in which we did this by creating an interview. In the interview, we filmed a small group of people within our target audience range who watched the rough cut and gave us answers to two questions that we asked them, regarding the rough cut. These two questions included 'What did you like about the music video?' and 'How would you improve the music video?'. Both of these questions are open ended questions, which allowed the target audience to respond with an opinionated answer and therefore gave us a more appropriate and independent answer. From the feedback we received, we can now move on to the stage of editing our rough cut and producing our final cut, to which would be more suitable, enjoyable and professional to the audience. 

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