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Initial Ideas

When deciding on the initial ideas and concepts for the music video, I listened to the song 'Blaring Out The Sun' by The Puppeteers, multiple times and then created a list of factors including Mise-en-Scene, camerawork, editing and themes that I would picture the video having. These ideas were initial thoughts of what I think the video should feature in my opinion.



Firstly, when listening to the music, I could picture the video being located in an outdoor open space, whether that was being in a field, on a beach or at a location where the horizon could be seen. I believe that the song should be emphasised through the use of location, where the song builds and the open space will complement the intense and powerful chorus of the song. I also think that there should be an element of fire within the video, like a campfire on a beach. This will again complement the title and lyrics 'blaring out the sun', and suit the video really well. Also, the sun should definitely be an element of the video as the word 'sun' is featured many times in the lyrics and in the title of the song. The sun is also complemented by fire, which again emphasises the lyrics. Another idea was to have the band The Puppeteers featured in the video, as this will easily show the audience who the band is and will make them assume that the band featured are the band that have released the song. The band should also be playing along to the song, alike a narrative based music video. Their instruments such as guitars would also be featured to make the video seem more organic and gritty. 



The camerawork that I can image being used for a video featuring this song, include many establishing shots to show the location of where the video is based, and also to set the earthy and organic atmosphere. I also think that handheld camera shots should be used, to again set an earthy and organic atmosphere. In my opinion, I don't think that any close ups or extreme close ups should be used, but instead mid-close up shots. 



The editing techniques I could imagine in a video for the song are basic straight cuts used between each change of camerashot, location, or event to allow the video to be understood better. I also think that added lens flares would be suitable and effective if used, as they could show the element of sun which again links to the lyrics and title of the song. The lens flares would also look very organic and gritty which would again add to the effect of the sun blaring out.



When listening to the song, I could imagine that the video would be a cross between a concept and narrative music video, as my thoughts on the band being featured would make it a narrative video, but I also think that the alternative/indie rock genre of the song would be suitable for a concept video. If a specific theme were to be used for the video,  it would be a concept based around a couple who have split up, and the video is following the male as he describes his emotions that are sang through the lyrics.

These initial ideas were then added to other ideas generated by the other members of our group, to create a large varied spider diagram of various ideas and concepts for us to view, and create a completed idea for the video. Here is the spider diagram of the formulated ideas from each member of our group, in which we will use to generate a final concept idea.

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